San Joaquin Valley Chapter
Chapter News
Field trip opportunity!
October 19th starting in Fresno or meeting in Bakersfield, a retired professional geologist, Bruce Myers, will guide our group around a neighborhood built on top of active faulting and talk about the fault trench studies that he worked on in the area. This trip will, no doubt, help you understand one possible avenue for your career - helping evaluate fault activity and thereby protecting the public.
Please RSVP via the following link: October 19, 2024 AEG field trip
New Meeting Payment Options!
We are excited to announce that we just purchased a Square credit/debit card reader and hope to be able to start accepting electronic payments soon, potentially as early as our November Meeting! Electronic payments will be subject to Square's service fee, which we anticipate being $0.36-$0.75 for students and professionals, respectively. We are also planning to start accepting Venmo. We hope the addition of these payment options will be more convenient for our members. We will also continue to accept cash payments as normal.